Nigerian customs stops 2.75 tons of potentially deadly fake plastic rice from hitting markets

Nigerian customs seized 2.75 tons of "plastic rice," a realistic-looking fake food product that could have caused untold public health issues.

The EPA Finally Admits That Fracking Contaminates Drinking Water

A new report by the US Environmental Protection Agency concludes that hydraulic fracturing is capable of contaminating drinking water at virtually every stage in the process.

Delhi smog: Crop-burning adds to pollution

The Indian capital, Delhi, is experiencing its most dangerous levels of air pollution in years. In some areas, the level of air pollution is 10 times more than the recommended safe limit.

Poor food 'risks health of half the world'

As the population grows over the next 20 years half the world will be left malnourished, an independent panel of experts on food and agriculture warns.

Toxic air pollution nanoparticles discovered in human brain

Tiny magnetic particles from air pollution have for the first time been discovered to be lodged in human brains– and researchers think they could be a possible cause of Alzheimer’s disease.

This little black rectangle quickly and effortlessly disinfects water

A new device created harnesses the sun's light to disinfect water in 20 minutes flat.

Exercising in City Air Makes the Effects of Pollution Worse

NYC (USA) health officials estimate that fine particulate matter (known as PM2.5) contributes to nearly 2,000 premature deaths and more than 6,000 hospital visits per year.

Report links 6.5 million deaths worldwide to air pollution

Each year about 6.5 million deaths worldwide are linked to air pollution, a number that could grow in coming decades unless the energy sector steps up its efforts to slash emissions, the International Energy Agency warned.

How a city in Bangladesh famously won its war on air pollution

Bangladeshi city Rajshahi took steps like planting trees and introducing battery-powered rickshaws to dramatically cut air pollution.

For the first time, air pollution emerges as a leading risk factor for stroke worldwide

Air pollution -- including environmental and household air pollution -- has emerged as a leading risk factor for stroke worldwide, associated with about a third of the global burden of stroke in 2013, according to a new study.

El Nino Is Over, But Has Left Its Mark Across The World

The 2015-16 El Nino has likely reached its end. Tropical Pacific Ocean temperatures, trade winds, cloud and pressure patterns have all dropped back to near normal, although clearly the event's impacts around the globe are still being felt.

How Corruption Is Hurting Mexico City's Efforts To Tackle Air Pollution

On March 15 this year, Mexico City encountered its worst environmental crisis of the last decade. A gray fog, comprising noxious air pollutants, cast a shadow over the sprawling metropolitan area for two days. Vehicles were ordered off the roads, and people were asked to remain indoors.

Massive deforestation found in Brazil's Cerrado

Agricultural expansion in Brazil's Cerrado is quickly chewing up rainforests and savannas -- even altering the region's water cycle, a new study finds.

25% of global deaths caused by pollution: WHO

A quarter of all global deaths annually are related to environmental pollution and the death rate is increasing significantly, the World Health Organisation warned in its latest report.